I’m going to tell you about my school. My school is new and modern. I like it very much. It has three floors. The classrooms are light and spacious. There are classrooms for different subjects, such as English, Mathematics, Geography, Biology, Literature etc. There is a computer class in our school. We study computer......
My name is Aruzhan. I’m 12 years old. I have a large family, which consists of my mother, father, two sisters and two brothers. Apart from many people, we......
My name is Azhar. I’m a pupil of the 10th form. I and my family from Kazakhstan, we live In Aktobe, in the village Yasnoe. I want to tell you about my mother. She is 38, she is a teacher and simply a good person. I and my younger brother love her very much. We can’t live without her. Even, when she isn’t at home I can’t sleep without my mom. She is really good and very kind friend. My mother is kind and loving, affectionate and caring. She cac give a piece of advice and help at any time. My mother is a good housewife. She teaches me how to sew, knit and bake cakes.......
The greatest of all blessings, - at least, then, without which you cannot use other, is independence.
In my point of view my home is a beautiful motherland, the Republic of Kazakhstan This is a great country with a rich history, ancient culture and unique nature.......
Each of us has a dream. But with age, it changes. Remember how many girls in their childhood dreamed of becoming artists, ballerinas, singers, and many boys wanted to fly into space, to become president. In some, this desire has become stronger and has become a goal, while others with a smile recall these childhood dreams.
My dream of becoming a journalist has become a goal. With this profession I decided to link my future. Why do I prefer it to her? I'll try to answer in my article.......
Конец XVI – начало XVII вв. вошли в историю российского государства как период «Смутного времени», наложившего отпечаток на события почти всего XVII века. Со смертью в 1598 году царя Федора Иоанновича, не оставившего после себя детей, пресеклась первая в истории нашего государства династия Рюриковичей. Русское боярство, сильно пострадавшее во времена Ивана Грозного, хотело формальным актом ограничить власть нового царя, выбранного из их среды. Обладая огромными земельными богатствами и опираясь на древние обычаи, знать претендовала на то, чтобы делить власть с царем. Романовы, Шуйские.....
Гимн – мемлекеттің басты рәміздерінің бірі. Гректің «gimneo» сөзінен шыққан «гимн» термині «салтанатты ән» деген мағынаны білдіреді. Гимн ел азаматтарын тиімді әлеуметтік-саяси тұрғыдан топтастырып, этномәдени тұрғыдан теңдестіру үшін негізгі мәнге ие, маңызды дыбыстық рәміз саналады. Тәуелсіз Қазақстанның тарихында еліміздің мемлекеттік гимні екі рет – 1992 және 2006 жылдары бекітілді. Республика мемлекеттік егемендігін иеленгеннен кейін, 1992 жылы Қазақстан әнұранының музыкасы мен мәтініне байқау жарияланды. Байқау қорытындысы бойынша Қазақ КСР гимнінің.....