Сұраулар. Информатика, 10 сынып, презентация.
Оқу мақсаты алынған деректерді пайдаланып сұрау салу (SQL (эс кю эль))
Сабақ мақсаттары:
Деректер сөздігінің мақсатын түсіндіру
DDL деректерін анықтау тілін және DML деректерін манипуляциялау тілін салыстыру
What is SQL?
SQL stands for Structured Query Language (Structured Query Language).
SQL allows you to work with the database.
SQL allows you to query the database.
SQL allows you to extract data from the database.
SQL allows you to insert new records in the database.
SQL allows you to delete records from the database.
SQL allows you to update records in the database.
SQL is easy to learn.
Топтағы жұмыс
DML wikibooks - Data Manipulation Language
DDL wikibooks - Data definition language
SQL statements are divided into:
Operators of data definition (Data Definition Language, DDL):
CREATE creates a database object (database itself, tables, views, user, and so on. D.)
ALTER modifies the object
DROP deletes an object;
Operators of data manipulation (Data Manipulation Language, DML):
SELECT selects the data that meet certain conditions,
INSERT adds new data,
UPDATE modifies existing data,
DELETE deletes the data;
Data Manipulation Language, DMLData Manipulation Language:
SELECT field_name FROM table_name WHERE condition
SELECT - defines the fields that contain the necessary data
FROM - specifies the tables that contain the fields specified in the the SELECT
WHERE - specifies the conditions of selection fields, which must comply with all the records included in the results
Data Manipulation Language, DMLData Manipulation Language
SELECT * FROM Customers;
Output all fields and records the Customers table
SELECT CustomerName, Country FROM Customers;
Shows records CustomerName , Country fields from Customers table
Data Manipulation Language, DMLData Manipulation Language
SELECT CustomerName, City FROM Customers
WHERE City=‘Berlin';
Shows records CustomerName, City fields, from Customers table where the City field value is equal to the word ‘Berlin’
Data Manipulation Language, DMLData Manipulation Language
Сілтеме арқылы өтіңіз
perform the task of 1, 2, 5, 8, 12
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Used links:
AQA A2 p. 161-163
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