Hats and Bats/ Revision. Ағылшын тілі, 3 сынып, сабақ жоспары.

Short-term plan :

Unit 5: Health and body

School: NIS Kokshetau


Date: 31.01.2018

Teachers: Kim L.I. Abdulmanova A. Zh.

Grade: Grade 2 BC

Number present:


Theme of the lesson: Hats and Bats/ Revision

Learning objective(s) that this lesson is contributing to

2.R1 recognise, sound and name the letters of the alphabet

2.W3 write familiar words to identify people, places and objects

2.S4 respond to basic supported questions about people, objects and classroom routines

2.L1 basic instructions for a limited range of classroom routines spoken slowly and distinctly

2.UE13 use can / can’t to describe ability use can to make requests

 Lesson objectives

All learners will be able to:

  • Ask and answer the questions with some support
  • Write what body parts can do

Most learners will be able to:

  • Ask and answer the questions
  • Write what body parts can do

Some learners will be able to:

  • Help others to ask and answer the questions
  • Write what body parts can do

Language objectives

What can you do with your legs? I can kick the ball.

ICT skills


Value links


Previous learning

Vocabulary of Unit 4

Cross curricular links

Physical Education, Anatomy

Intercultural awareness

Learners can name body parts in different languages

Kazakh culture

Learners can name body parts in Kazakh language

Pastoral Care

Assure you met all learners’ needs


Planned timings

Planned activities



5 min


Greeting, Objectives & Daily Question

As students are entering the classroom, remind them to open their copybooks and write down the date and the topic. It isn’t necessary at this stage to write down the learning objective – it can be reviewed orally. Students will start writing answers to higher order questions instead, to practice their daily literacy skills and recall/apply topical information. Additionally, one student can take the role of leader to open the lesson by asking some questions. This will take some practice/trial & error at the beginning

Write the following in the middle of the board:

Hats and Bats

Write the following on the side of the board:

  • I can name and write body parts
  • I can listen and recognize body parts
  • I can say what I can do with my body parts
  • Greet learners and tell them that they have 2 minutes to finish writing the date, topic and an answer to the question on the board
  • Circulate and ensure that learners have written the date and topic of the lesson and are working on the question.
  • After two minutes, choose a student leader to lead the opening of the lesson. Have the student leader ask:

-(Ask the daily question)

-What day is it today?

-What is the date today?

-What is the topic of the lesson?

-Ask some questions so to remember the material from the previous day. (country/instrument)

-(Reads the lesson objectives) with teacher prompting

  • As the student leader is opening the lesson, the teacher can circulate the room and stamp the incentive charts of students who answered the daily question correctly & on time
  • The teacher can then ask if the students understand the lesson objectives. Tell students that you hope they can do all the lesson objectives by the end of the lesson

Prior knowledge

  • Parts of the body and actions
  • Go through the PPT from the previous lesson and revise
  • Check learners’ mini books/ One by one learners share with the information. Of what they can do with their body parts.

PPT slide1-2

Body parts


15 min


  • Revision of the action verbs:
  • Suggest learners to listen to the song and revise vocabulary.
  • After listening ask what you can do with your body parts..


  • Pass out vocabulary worksheet to match appropriate words woth the pictures
  • After matching the words ask learners to complete the card with the missing letters
  • Check as a whole class
  • Pass out Five senses worksheet to complete the words looking at the pictures.


  • Practice questions: How long is your arm? How wide is your forehead? How tall are you?... If necessary revise numbers.

*** less confident learners work with teacher’s assistance.




5 min.


Homework & Reflection

  • Word search
  • Ask students if they enjoyed the lesson.
  • In their copybooks, have them answer the reflection question in a complete sentence.

Worksheet 3

Additional information

Differentiation – how do you plan to give more support? How do you plan to challenge the more able learners?

Assessment – how are you planning to check learners’ learning?

Health and safety check

More able learners can be encouraged to write more for what words they learned that day at the end of the lesson. More able learners may be paired with students needing extra help for the TPS at the beginning of the lesson.

The teacher will be able to assess how well the students have acquired the new words through the Touch the Word game. The teacher will know how well the students are doing at writing the new words and sentences by circulating the room often and checking written work.

Lessons will be delivered in accordance with health and safety standards.

Summary evaluation

What two things went really well (consider both teaching and learning)?



What two things would have improved the lesson (consider both teaching and learning)?



What have I learned from this lesson about the class or achievements/difficulties of individuals that will inform my next lesson?

Толық нұсқасын 30 секундтан кейін жүктей аласыз!!!

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