Парниктік эффектісінің пайда болу себептері. Биология, 11 сынып, дидактикалық материал.

Global warming

I am produced over millions of years from the remains of dead plants and animals and am known as……

Fossil fuels

The most common greenhouse gas produced by burning fossil fuels is….

Carbon dioxide

Another gas produced by burning fuels is….

Water vapour

A word to describe an energy resource, such as fossil fuels, which will one day run out is…..


A fossil fuel other than natural gas is…..


A gas that is needed for fossil fuels to burn is…


The term given to the effect of a layer of gases holding heat in our atmosphere is…..

The greenhouse effect

A greenhouse gas produced from, amongst other things, cows’ bottoms is….


The original source of nearly all our energy comes from….

The sun

An important sink for carbon dioxide on land are…


A massive sink for carbon which lives in the oceans is…..

Plant Plankton

Something that happened in the 19th Century, resulting in a rise in carbon dioxide levels was…

The industrial revolution

Another word for a change in global weather brought about by global warming is….

Climate change

Something that will increase around the world as a result of global warming is….


Long periods without rain which may also be more likely given climate change are…


Hot, dry habitats spreading in size due to global warming are….


The desert environment is hot and dry and known as…..


A country likely to be effected by the spread of deserts is…..


Another consequence of global warming is likely to be the melting of the…..

Ice caps

This could result in problems to low-lying areas caused by….


A country likely to be affected by flooding is….


The word to describe sources of energy that will never run out is….


A form of renewable energy is….

Solar power

A more energy-efficient way of transporting large numbers of people instead of using cars is…

Public transport

Something that can easily be fitted at home to reduce the amount of energy used are….

Energy-efficient light bulbs

A type of environmentally-friendly transport that can also improve your health is…


Here is the end of our tale about the effect on the earth’s temperature caused by the greenhouse effect which is known as……

Толық нұсқасын 30 секундтан кейін жүктей аласыз!!!

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